Note on the Report of the Punjab Lunatic Asylum, Lahore,
                     for triennium 1921—1923.

THE report forwarded, herewith, is for the triennial period
1921 1923. It has been written by Captain C. J. Lodge-
Patch, I. M S., who has been in charge of the Asylum since the-
14th November 1922. The late Major J. F. Fleming, I. M. D.,
was in charge of the institution from 1st January to 8th Feb-
ruary 1921, and Major H. W. V. Cox, I. M. D., from the 9th
February 1921 to 13th November 1922


There has been no marked variation in the total population
of the Asylum, the figures for the three years
under review being 1,204, 1,168 and 1,197. The
daily average strength, however, shows a steady increase from
864.58 in 1921 to 867.17 in 1922 and 829.53 in 1923. New
admissions numbered 285 in 1921, 260 in 1922 and 279 in 1923
while re-admissions accounted for 69, 62 and 38.


2. It is gratifying to note that the new Criminal Asylum,
which has cost over three lacs, will be ready
for occupation in a few months. The question
of accommodation which had, owing to the progressive
increase of the population of the Asylum, become very
acute, will now be settled satisfactorily. The extension of
the tubercular section, which was completed in 1921, has supplied
a long felt want.

Attendant Staff.

3. In consequence of the considerable increase in the pay of
attendants during the triennium, it is possible
to recruit more reliable and trustworthy atten-
dants than before.


4. There were only two escapes in 1923 as compared with
6 in 1921 and 2 in 1922 and both were recap-


5. There were no cases of suicide in 1921 and 1923 while 3
deaths were reported in 1922 and in the preced-
ing triennium.


6. There were no epidemics of disease during the triennium.
The number of cases under treatment in hospital
was 36.13 in 1921,40.61 in 1922 and 51.83 in
1923, while the percentage of deaths to daily average strength
was 11.22, 6.69 and 10.23.