The cases of dysentery and diarrhoea comprise a large pro-
portion of the admissions to hospital for sickness. There were
328 cases with 53 deaths, as compared with 442 admissions and
114 deaths for the period 1918—20, 44 cases of pneumonia were
treated with 20 deaths as compared with 75 and 29 deaths dur-
ing the previous triennium. As stated in a previous para-
graph, more cases of tuberculosis are being diagnosed and treat-
ed each succeeding year. In 1923, 72 patients have been treat-
ed in the Tubercular Section, while the numbers of patients
under treatment for this disease in 1921 and 1922 were 38 and 52.

9. A public institution such as this is very like a machine.
It cannot run smoothly and satisfactorily unless every indivi-
dual portion of the mechanism does its fair share of work. I
desire to express my thanks to the whole-hearted and devoted
support given to me by all the members of the staff and person-
nel ; and in particular, for the loyal co-operation and assist-
ance I have at all times received from the Rev. Mother Superior
and the Francisan Sisters, from Dr. Thomas, the Deputy Super-
intendent, and from Lala Ram Saran Das the Head Clerk. I
must acknowledge also the help I have frequently received from
the Professor of Pathology in the diagnosis of many cases
by the Wasserman Reaction and other laboratory tests.

                            C. J. LODGE PATCH, CAPT., I.M.S.,

DATED, LAHORE :                                             Superintendent,
The                  1924.                 Punjab Lunatic Asylum, Lahore.