No. 15534 (H.—Medl.).


                RAM CHANDRA, ESQ., M.B.E., I.C.S.,

                Offg. Secretary to Government, Punjab,

                                                Transferred Departments,



                        OF INDIA, HOME DEPARTMENT, SIMLA.

                                                        Dated the 27th May 1926.


SUBJECT :—Statistical tables of the Punjab Mental Hospital,
                      Lahore, for the year 1925.


I AM directed to forward, for the information of the Govern-
ment of India, the statistical tables of the Punjab Mental
Hospital, Lahore, for the year 1925, together with a note thereon
by the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Punjab, and to
convey the following remarks of the Punjab Government
(Ministry of Education).

2. There was a further decrease in the total population
of the institution due to a decline in the number of admissions,
the total number of patients treated during the year under
report being 1,154 against 1,193 in the previous year. The
average daily strength was 864 against 875 in the previous year.
This average was almost equal to the capacity of the hospital
and the over-crowding was not so marked during the year under

3. There was a decrease of 38 cases in the number of
discharges, and there was also a decline in the number of cases
cured. The types of insanity were much the same as in previous
year, the predominant form of insanity being that of mania.

4. The death rate was higher than in the previous year
amounting to 11.23 per cent. of the daily average population, as
compared with 11.31 in the previous year. More than half the
number of deaths was due to dysentery and diarrhœa and the