prevalence of these diseases is attributed to the large number of
flies in the premises. There are a number of causes which con-
tribute to the breeding of flies, such as the presence of a cowshed
and a large number of trees in the institution, and the defective
system of trenching and disposal of cow manure. Steps have how-
ever been taken to remedy some of these defects, and it is expected
that the remaining defects will be removed as soon as possible.
A water carriage system of conservancy for the female section is
now under consideration, and it is hoped that it will be possible
to adopt it for the whole hospital in course of time.

5.    The expenditure per head of the daily average popul-
ation, excluding expenditure on work done by the Public Works
Department, amounted to Rs. 305 and shows a further increase
of Rs. 11 over the previous year's figure. The question of
reducing the cost of the hospital is engaging the attention of
Government. It is, however, satisfactory to note that the income
from garden produce and manufactured articles showed con-
siderable improvement. Contributions received from paying
patients also showed an increase of Rs. 1,693 on the figures of
the previous year.

6.    The thanks of the Punjab Government (Ministry of
Education) are due to Captain C. J. Lodge Patch, M.C., I.M.S.
who was in charge as Medical Superintendent till the 15th
September 1925, and to Captain T. H. Thomas, I.M.S., who
succeeded him, for the efficient manner in which they per-
formed their duties. The unselfish devotion of the Reverend
Mother Superior and the Franciscan Sisters in the hospital is
again worthy of mention.

                                            I have the honour to be,


                                        Your most obedient servant,

                                            RAM CHANDRA,

Offg. Secretary to Government, Punjab, Transferred Departments.

            255 CS-260—29-5-26-SGPP Lahore.