Director of Public Health has made an official inspection and
has recorded his opinion that the trenching system of conser-
vancy in vogue is very faulty. He has suggested a system of
deep trenching, which has since been carried out. He has also
pointed out that the present means of disposal of cow manure is
unsatisfactory, and has made suggestions for remedying the
defect. He has further expressed the opinion that there is a
larger number of trees in the Institution than is necessary from
the point of view of shade, the superfluity causing many flies to
collect, and has recommended that the cutting down of certain
of them should be undertaken. There is no doubt also that the
cow-shed, which is at present within the walls of the Institution,
has been responsible for attracting numerous flies. This latter
defect, however, is soon to be remedied. The construction
of a new cow-shed of a much improved pattern has now been
sanctioned by Government, and will be undertaken early in
1926. The Director of Public Health has suggested that the
present system of conservancy be replaced by a water carriage
system. Such a system is at present under consideration for the
new wing of the Female Mental Hospital, which is about to be
built. The extension of the system to the whole Hospital will
eventually effect a great improvement in the general health of
the patients.

As regards the sanitation of the Hospital surroundings, it
is considered that a potent cause of sickness is the extremely
insanitary condition of the Mian Mir Channel, which passes
through the grounds of the Hospital, and runs between the
Male and Female divisions. It is a fertile breeding ground for
all varieties of mosquitos. Although the death rate from
Malaria in itself is low, there is no doubt that this disease
seriously undermines the health of the patients and renders them
more liable to diseases of a more acutely dangerous nature. This
defect is now receiving the attention of the authorities concerned.
Another matter of considerable importance is that there is
definite overcrowding in the attendants' quarters. This matter
has already received attention and the construction of 15 addi-
tional quarters will be undertaken shortly. More quarters will,
however, be needed for the extra attendants to be attached to
the new Criminal Section, and the matter will be referred to
Government in due course.

Suicides, accidents
and deaths by violence.

5. There were no suicides, accidents and deaths by violence
during the year under report. There was only
one escape.