claimed fewer victims than in 1926, but the general sick rate
was considerably higher, amounting to 11 per cent. of the daily
average population as compared with 8 per cent. in the previous
year. The condition of the Mian Mir storm water channel
continues to exercise a most unwholesome effect on the health of
the staff and inmates of the Mental Hospital, but the improve-
ment of this drain has now been taken up by the Rural Sanitary
Board and it may be hoped that the present year will see an
abatement of this nuisance.

4.    The cost per head of the daily average population,
excluding all expenditure on buildings and other works, amounted
to Rs. 267, as compared with Rs. 263 in 1926. The net expendi-
ture from provincial revenues after taking credit for recoveries
from local bodies and from paying patients was, however, less
than half of this, amounting to about Rs. 1,02,000 out of about
Rs. 2,37,500. Investigations made during the year in respect
of the cost of the institution showed that, while expenditure per
patient in this province is more than the expenditure in the
United Provinces and the Central Provinces, it is considerably
less than the expenditure in other provinces, and that, if the
Hospital is to be modernized and run on up-to-date lines, a
considerable increase of expenditure will have to be faced.
Details are now being worked out with a view to the adoption
of a programme of gradual improvement which will be within
provincial means.

5.  The thanks of Government are due to Major C. J. Lodge-
Patch, M.C., I.M.S., who was in charge of the hospital as
Medical Superintendent throughout the year, for the sympathy
and zeal with which he has carried out his duties. He was
ably assisted by the other members of the staff, including the
Franciscan sisters, who as before, devotedly looked after the
women patients. The institution suffered a great loss during
the year owing to the death of Revd. Mother Simon, who had
worked for the Hospital for nearly twenty-five years.

                                                   I have the honour to be,
                                              Your most obedient servant,
                                                      J. G. BEAZLEY,
                                 Secretary to Government, Punjab,
                                                   Transferred Departments.

            431 CS—220-16-6-28—SGPP Lahore.