Proceedings of the Punjab Government (Ministry of Local
        Self-Government) in the Home (Medical) Department,
        No. 20452, dated the 26th June 1930.


A letter No. 3786-G., dated the 29th April 1930, from the Inspector-
       General of Civil Hospitals, Punjab, forwarding the Punjab Mental
       Hospital Report for the triennium 1927—1929, together with his
       note thereon.

REMARKS.—The triennium under report is remarkable
for the steady increase which it shows in the daily average
of patients rising from 889 in 1927 to 949 in 1928 and 1,010
in 1929, whereas the previous triennium had shown a steady
decrease in each year. The maximum number of inmates
was 1,037, which created a new record. Despite this increase
in the number of patients the health of the patients has
improved each year ; the figure of deaths now standing at
10.39 per cent. of the average daily strength. It is satisfac-
tory to find that the increased staff of attendants sanctioned
with effect from the 1st April 1929, has resulted in there
being fewer incidents such as suicides, escapes and deaths
from violence. In 1929, there was only one escape and two
such deaths.

2.    The Punjab Government (Ministry of Local Self-
Government) were constrained to comment somewhat ad-
versely in their remarks on the report for the previous
triennium on the expensiveness of this institution. It is,
therefore, satisfactory to find from the present report that
despite the high rates of all kinds of provisions in 1928, due
to floods and famine and to the increase in the number of
patients, the net cost of the institution to Government has
been reduced to Rs. 1,02,049 in 1929 as against Rs. 1,12,156
in 1928. It is also satisfactory to find a 20 per cent. increase
in the value of the goods manufactured in the hospital, and
that it has been found possible to make the institution self-
supporting in regard to vegetables.

3.    Major C. J. Lodge Patch, M.C., I.M.S., who has been
in charge of the hospital for the triennium with which the
report is concerned has continued to discharge his duties
with keenness and efficiency and has earned the thanks of
Government. Government also desire once more to express