Note on the Report of the Punjab Mental Hospital,
            Lahore, for the triennium 1927—29.

THE report forwarded, herewith, relates to the triennial period
1927—29. Major C. J. Lodge-Patch, M.C., I.M.S., held charge
of the Punjab Mental Hospital throughout the triennium.


The number of patients remaining on 1st January, 1929 was
791 males and 200 females making a total
of 991. The daily average for the year was
1010.79 as compared with 949.84 and 889.88, during the two pre-
ceding years. The number admitted during the year under review
was 393 (313 males and 80 females) including re-admissions and
observation cases.

During the year, there were 285 discharged of whom 160 were
cured, 67 improved and 42 not improved, the remaining 16 patients
being discharged otherwise for the most part uncertified after a
short period of observation.

The total number of patients treated in the Hospital for the
year 1929 was 1,384 (1,104 males and 280 females) against 1,324
(1,053 males and 271 females) in the previous year, the maximum
number of inmates on any one night being 1,037, as against the re-
cord number of 1,003 treated in 1928.

Sickness and mortality.

2. In spite of the fact that there was a very heavy mortality,
especially on the female side of the Hospital,
during the last two months of the year, the
average percentage of deaths to the daily average strength in 1929,
compares favourably with that of the two preceding years, viz.,
10.39, as against 10.64, and 11.45. There were 63 cases of
Pneumonia with 27 deaths and 40 cases of Tuberculosis with 13
deaths. Dysentery and Diarrhœa were responsible for 21 deaths
and Ankylostomiasis for 4 deaths.

Criminal patients.

3. The number of criminals sent to the Hospital continues
steadily to increase. Fifty-three were ad-
mitted in 1929, and the total number treated
was 239 as compared with 222 and 207 during the two preceding
years. No female was admitted during the year and the number
of female Criminals on 31st December 1929 stood at only 2 as com-
pared with 194 males. The figures on 1st January 1929 were 8 and
178, respectively.


4. The accommodation of the Hospital was shown in the
last annual report as 1,062, there being 570
single cells and a number of wards which