No. 1084-S. (Medl.)

          C. V. SALUSBURY, ESQ., I.C.S.,

                     Secretary to Government, Punjab,

                                    Transferred Departments,


                               OF INDIA, HOME DEPARTMENT.

                                      Dated Simla, the 7th June 1932.

SUBJECT:—Annual statistical tables connected with the
            Punjab Mental Hospital for the year 1931.


I AM directed to forward for the information of the
Government of India the statistical tables noted above
and to convey the following remarks of the Punjab
Government (Ministry of Education) thereon.

2. The number of patients treated at the Punjab
Mental Hospital during the year 1931 was 1,377 against
1,392 in 1930. This decrease is attributed partly to the
transfer from the Punjab Mental Hospital to the Mental
Hospital at Agra of all patients sent to the former
hospital by the Delhi Administration. The reason for
this apparently was that the cost of maintenance of
patients at the Agra Hospital is much less than that at
the Lahore Hospital, and the Delhi Administration has,
therefore, discontinued the practice of sending its
patients to Lahore. The number of patients discharged
from the hospital was 271 (162 cured. 57 improved and
52 not improved or otherwise) against 237 in the
previous year. The maximum number of patients in
the hospital on any one night was 1,022 against 1,037
during 1930. The daily average number of patients,
however, was 993 which is slightly less than the number
of patients (l,008) for whom accommodation is available
at the hospital at 70 sq. ft. per patient.

3. It has been intimated that the percentage of
the death-rate rose from 9.02 during 1930 to 12.28
during the year under report, the total number of deaths