being 122. Death was mainly due to pneumonia (31),
influenza (16), tuberculosis (11) and status epilepticus
(6). There was only one death from diarrhœa and
none from dysentery. The cause of death in the remain-
ing 57 cases has not been stated by the Inspector-Gen-
eral of Civil Hospitals.

4.    The condition of the Mian Mir Storm Water
Channel which runs close to the hospital is reported to
be highly unsatisfactory. The scheme for improving this
channel is in abeyance due to the existing financial
stringency, and it is not likely that the project will be
executed in the near future.

5.    Three patients escaped from the hospital, two
of them, however, were subsequently recaptured and
brought back to the hospital. There was again one
case of suicide this year, and it is hoped that the
hospital authorities will be able to prevent the recurrence
of such cases.

6.    As regards the financial position of the hospital,
there was an increase in the income and expenditure of
the institution, but this is to a great extent due to the
altered practice in the matter of dealing with amounts
received from " paying " patients. Previously such
amounts were kept separate, and expenditure incurred
on the maintenance of " paying " patients was incurred
direct from such amounts. This practice was irregular
and it was ruled that all amounts received by the
Medical Superintendent of the hospital should be credit-
ed into the treasury, amounts required for disbursement
being withdrawn from the treasury. The new procedure
came into force from the year under report. Another
departure from previous practice made during the year
under report is that the Accountant-General, Punjab,
has been relieved of the responsibility of recovering
amounts due from local bodies Indian States, etc, in
respect of the cost of maintenance of patients, and such
amounts are now recovered by the Medical Superinten-
dent direct. An amount of Rs. 81,095 (including
amounts received from " paying " patients) was recovered
by the Medical Superintendent against Rs. 68,287 and
Rs. 32,968 received from " paying "patients only during
the years 1930 and 1929, respectively.