7. The total expenditure incurred on the main-
tenance of the hospital, including that incurred by the
Public Works Department on buildings, was Rs. 2,92,688
against Rs 2,70,158 during the previous year. The in-
crease is due to the additional expenditure shown to
have been incurred upon diet, clothing and bedding and
bazar medicines, and to the altered procedure whereby
the cost of supplying diet, etc., to " paying " patients is
now shown as a charge against provincial revenues
The net cost of the maintenance of the institution, how-
ever, was Rs. 2,11,593 (and not Rs. 1,10,063 15-11 as
shown by the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals)
against Rs. 2,01,871 during 1930. There was, however,
a large amount (Rs. 1,04,136) outstanding as recoverable,
and if the total amount due from other authorities had
been recovered during the year under report, the net
cost of maintenance of the hospital would have been
Rs. 1,07,457. This figure, however, would not correctly
represent what the net cost of maintenance to Govern-
ment should have been, for the amount recoverable
from other authorities included arrears due in respect of
previous years. The cost of maintenance per head of
patient during the year 1931 was Rs. 294-12-0 against
Rs. 265-8-0 and Rs. 262-13-6 during the years 1930 and
1929, respectively. The manufactory continued to show
a profit on the year's working.

8.    It is hoped that the amendment to form 8
which was referred to in last year's review will have
been made before the report for the year 1932 is due
with Government.

9.    Major C. J. Lodge Patch, M.C., I.M.S., was in
charge of the hospital throughout the year, and the
thanks of the Punjab Government (Ministry of Educa-
tion) are due to him and to the staff of the hospital for
a successful year's work.

                                       I have the honour to be,

                                    Your most obedient servant,
                                       C. V. SALUSBURY,
                              Secretary to Government, Punjab,
                                    Transferred Departments.

       1756 CS—202—6-2-33 -SGPP Lahore.