deducting Rs. 1,85,231, the amount recoverable from
States, Local Bodies, other Governments and Private
Patients, from Rs. 2,95,294-15-11 which sum is made up
of Rs. 2,70,776-3-11 on account of Superintendence
Establishment, Diet, Clothing, etc., and Rs. 24,518-12-0
on account of building charges and cost of English medi-
cines supplied by Military Department. Out of
Rs. 1,85,231 only Rs. 81,094-12-10 have been recovered
during the calendar year under report and this sum also
includes certain recoveries relating to previous years.

Statement X—

10. The profits resulting from manufactures and
the hospital gardens are Rs. 26,776-1-3 as
compared with Rs. 24,993-12-0 and
Rs. 19,579-4-1 for the years 1930 and 1929 respectively.


11. The statements show that the institution worked
very satisfactorily during the year under
report. Major C. J. Lodge Patch, M.C.,
I.M.S., held charge of the office of Medical Superinten-
dent, Punjab Mental Hospital, Lahore, throughout the
year under report. He discharged his onerous duties
with marked zeal and energy. He was ably assisted by
Doctor Gurdas Ram, Charnalia, the officiating Deputy
Medical Superintendent and other members of the staff.

The Franciscan Sisters have continued to perform
their arduous duties with great zeal and devotion.

                                  I have the honour to be,
                              Your most obedient servant,
                            D. P. GOIL, LT.-COL., I.M.S.,
Offg. Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Punjab.