Annual Reports.

                                                    Annual Report on the Lunatic Asylums in
                                                      the Bombay Presidency for the year

                                GOVERNMENT OF BOMBAY.

                                  GENERAL DEPARTMENT.

                                          Order no. 6310.

                                 Bombay Castle, 26th July 1919.

Letter from the Surgeon General with the Government of Bombay, no. D.—2036,
dated the 28th June 1919 :—

" I have the honour to forward the Annual Report on the Lunatic Asylums of the
Bombay Presidency for the year 1918 and to state, for the information of Government,
that there is nothing in it, the immediate publication of which can be considered of doubtful

ORDER.—The report should be published.

                                                                     G. A. THOMAS,
                                                             Secretary to Government.


The Surgeon General with the Govern-
ment of Bombay,
*The Sanitary Commissioner for the Gov-
ernment of Bombay,
*The Commissioner in Sind,
*The Commissioner, N. D.,
*The Commissioner, C. D.,
*The Commissioner, S. D.,
*The Collector of Poona,
*The Collector of Ahmedabad,
*The Collector of Thana,
*The Collector of Dharwar,
*The Collector of Ratnagiri,
*The Collector of Hyderabad,
*The Judicial Department,
*The Public Works Department,

*With copies of the Report.

                                                                              [P. T. O.

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