JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT.

Read letter from Acting Surgeon-General H. R. OSWALD, M.D., Indian Medical
Department, to the Acting Chief Secretary to Government, dated
30th June 1879,
No. 325-A, forwarding Annual Report on Lunatic Asylums for 1878-79.

                   ORDER THEREON, 26th November 1879, No. 2982.

* Madras,
Vizagapatam, and

The Acting Surgeon-General, Indian Medical Department, submits the reports
on the working of the three* Lunatic
Asylums in this Presidency during the
year 1878-79. He compares the propor-
tion of lunatics under treatment to popu-
lation in Madras, Bengal Proper, and Scotland, and of pauper lunatics in England,
and states " nothing certain is known regarding the comparative frequency of insanity
in India and Europe," and that the great disparity in the rates given " indicates
that only a little of the subjects of insanity in India come under official cognizance."

2.The accommodation in the three asylums was sufficient for 703 inmates, but
the maximum number confined during any one night in the year did not exceed 342.
There were on the 1st April 1878 315 inmates in the asylum—

Admitted during the year 1878-79 .. .. .. .. ..


Total teated .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Cured .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Transferred to friends-

Improved .. .. .. .. ..


Not improved .. .. .. .. ..



Discharged .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


Total ..


Percentage of cured to average strength .. .. .. .. ..


Do. of deaths to do. .. .. .. .. ..


Do. of cured to admissions .. .. .. .. ..


Do. of deaths to do. .. .. .. .. ..


The admissions and number treated were larger than in 1877-78; the recoveries, though
fewer, were above the average of the preceding five years.

3.The aggregate number of criminal lunatics was 106 against 115 in 1877-78;
18 were discharged, 20 died, and there remained at the close of 1878-79, 68 persons,
or 4 more than in the beginning of the year.

4.The number (176) of civil lunatics admitted was 26 in excess of the number
(150) in 1877-78. The increase it is noted " is not of any significance with respect
to the increase or decrease of mental disease amongst the population." Of the
admissions 20.45 were Europeans or East Indians; 62.50 per cent. Hindus; 7.38
per cent. Mahomedans; 5.68 per cent. Native Christians; and 3.97 per cent. other
