ANNUAL REPORT ON LUNATIC ASYLUMS.                        13

The two Head European Attendants, Bruce and Coleman, have worked very well
during the past seven months and gave me no trouble. I always found them honest
Withwhat was entrusted to them, and steady and careful in the performance of their

The two First-class East Indian Keepers, Muriel and Fowler, did their best to
give me satisfaction. They both hold very trying posts, for which they are very
inadequately paid.

The Steward, K. Annu Chetty, has been under me for 5½ years, first as Writer
and afterwards as Steward. He has now had considerable experience in the latter
capacity, and I consider him a good and efficient steward, and have always found
him honest and trustworthy.

The Assistant Steward, Parthasarady Naidoo, has served under me as Writer
and Assistant Steward for about 3½ years. He works hard and is attentive and

The Writer does his work to my satisfaction.

The Night Watchmen have of late worked well.

Of the Day Warders, Appavoo and Narrainsawmy deserve special mention for
trustworthiness and efficiency.

Several of the others work well and did their utmost to please me.

The official visitors have regularly inspected the asylum monthly.

Vaccination has been regularly performed.

I certify that the orders respecting the custody of poisonous drugs issued by
the Principal Inspector-General, Indian Medical Department, dated 23rd January
1863, were carefully carried out.

                        (Signed) L. C. NANNEY, Surgeon-Major,
                                          Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Madras.
1st November 1879.

                                    (True Copy.)
                              (Signed) A. H. LEAPINGWELL, Surgeon,
                                                      Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum.
