22                       ANNUAL REPORT ON LUNATIC ASYLUMS.

Of medicinal agents, bromide of potassium has proved beneficial in epilepsy,
and hydrate of chloral in mania; morphia internally and hypodermically, mild
counter-irritation to the nape, cold douche, shower bath, warm and tepid bathing,
and exercise both morning and evening in the form of a good walk round the
asylum grounds.

Basket, date-mat making, and preparing coir for ropes are being carried on
by the inmates.

10.  The asylum buildings are sadly in want of repair, all of them not only
being in a leaky condition, but requiring white and blue washing. The doors and
woodwork of the buildings require repair, and the wood suffers for want of paint.

The want of separate detached buildings for the segregation of violent and
noisy lunatics is greatly needed, as such separate accommodation is necessary
not only for the recovery of the violent themselves, but also on account of the bad
effect produced by their being confined in the same apartment with convalescents.

The whitewashing of the asylum has been taken on hand about the middle of
March agreeably to G.O., No. 404, dated 25th February 1880, but the broken
plastering ought to be put to rights before whitewashing is done.

The hospital has been repaired since last report.

11. Sheep-farming has been continued in spite of last year's failure, and the
amount realized this year by the sale was very encouraging.

12. One insane effected his escape at the close of the year, but was recap-
tured within a few hours by the warders.

13. The annual Christmas entertainment, which included a dinner, music,
races, and decorations, finishing up with a display of fireworks, afforded the patients
a great treat, and was evidently appreciated by many of them.

14. The cost of maintaining an insane during the year in this asylum has
been on an average Rupees 177-11-1, viz., diets Rupees 58-13-3, clothing Rupees
4-7-9, establishment Rupees 105-4-1, cost of medicines Rupees 2-10-11, and contin-
gencies Rupees 6-7-1.

The cost of dieting is recovered from the Treasury, and the other charges are
credited to Government by the Treasury Officer agreeably to Proceedings of
Government, dated 15th April 1875.

Criminal lunatics are wholly supported by Government, and civil insanes by
the various Local Fund Boards and Municipalities.

15. A meeting of the official visitors takes place monthly,

16. Conduct of the Establishment.— Mr. White, the Apothecary in charge, has
conducted himself to my entire satisfaction. He is attentive and zealous in the
performance of his duties. The Head Warder is a most intelligent man and has
also given me satisfaction. The Warders have behaved fairly well, better, I am glad
to say, than on previous years.

17. I certify that the orders respecting the custody of poisonous drugs
issued by the Principal Inspector-General, Indian Medical Department, dated 23rd
January 1863, are carefully carried out.

                                                                  (Signed) J. SMITH, Surgeon-Major,
LUNATIC ASYLUM, WALTAIR,                              Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum.
            1st April 1880.