Deaths from Bowel-diseases during the last Four Years.





Ulceration of bowels ...





Dysentery ... ... ...





Diarrhœa ... ... ...





It is unsatisfactory to have to record cases of dysentery and diarrhœa, as they
may, to a certain extent, be regarded as preventable. The sanitary arrangements
as regards the supply of drinking water, the disposal of filth, and the cleanliness of
buildings and grounds are excellent, but some nuisances existed which required
removal. Three out of the four deaths from dysentery occurred in native women,
and in the female enclosure there was a dirty shallow tank receiving drainage from
a part of the enclosure, and though strict orders have been given to prevent patients
drinking the water, there is no doubt that they had opportunities, and that they
did drink it. I am now having the tank filled in. The other death from dysentery
was that of a native criminal, and in the early part of the year there were frequent
admissions from the criminal enclosure for diarrhœa and dysentery. Here the
bathing arrangements are faulty. The water for bathing is received into a cistern,
and this being below the surface of the ground, it is difficult to empty all the water
and to clean the cistern properly. There was usually some dirty water left, and
I have myself seen a patient drinking it. Since last September I have discontinued
the bathing in the enclosure, and have sent the criminals to the well outside, and
from that time cases of diarrhœa and dysentery ceased. As the food for all the
native patients is the same, and the drinking water for all was obtained from one
well, I think the only reasonable explanation of the greater prevalence of these
diseases amongst the native women and the criminals is that they drank the foul
water to which they had access.

The only other deaths which call for any remarks are the two from violence.
The first was from accidental drowning in a deep tank situated within 25 yards of
the idiot enclosure. The patient, an idiot lad, subject to epileptic fits, was said to
have been last seen going towards a latrine which is situated between the idiot
enclosure and the tank in question. As he did not return, search was made, and
his clothes were found on the steps of the tank and the body in the water. It is
probable that the lad went to the tank to bathe and had a fit. The warder in charge
was undoubtedly to blame, but it is needless to say that a tank which in the month
of April contained more than 9 feet of water was out of place in a Lunatic Asylum.
I had myself no idea that the tank was a deep one until the accident occurred, and
one would hardly expect to find a deep unprotected tank in an asylum where every
precaution had been taken for the safety of the wells.

The other death from violence was that of a native criminal patient, who was
set upon by some other occupants of the criminal enclosure and so injured that he
died in a few hours.

The particulars are as follow :—

On Sunday, 20th March, Second-class Warder Chokkalingum, who had been for
4½ years employed in the criminal enclosure, was on duty in the place of the European
First-class Warder, who was absent on his regular fortnightly leave. I was in the
criminal enclosure at 9 A.M., and gave directions for the employment of the men.
All tools were locked up, and the weaving shed was closed, as is usual, on Sunday.
At about ¼ past 12 I received a note from the Apothecary asking me to come to
the asylum, as a patient had been found lying in the weaving shed severely
injured and insensible. I went at once and found a criminal patient in hospital
with a compound fracture of the skull and other injuries. In reply to my inquiries
Mr. Hardaker informed me that he could get no information as to how or by whom
the injuries were inflicted. I then went to the criminal enclosure, paraded all the

                  * These two deaths were certified by an officer in temporary charge.
