22                     ANNUAL REPORT ON LUNATIC ASYLUMS.

I have not mentioned the Night Watchmen especially, as I include them under
"Warders." I find in the annual report for 1878-79 that "their work is most
carefully supervised by the Head Sergeants and Medical Subordinates." I do not
hold these men responsible for the supervision of the Night Watchmen, as, if they do
their day work properly, they cannot reasonably be expected to be about at night.

The tell-tale clocks are really the only checks on the Night Watchmen.

The official visitors have regularly visited the asylum monthly.

Vaccination has been carried out during the cold season.

I certify that the orders respecting the custody of poisonous drugs issued by
the Principal Inspector-General, Indian Medical Department, dated 23rd January
1863, were carefully carried out.

                                                                           A. H. LEAPINGWELL, Surgeon,
      MADRAS,                                                             Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum.
   1st April 1881.