ANNUAL REPORT ON LUNATIC ASYLUMS.                            31

give him too much credit for the care and attention he gives to his work and the
carrying out of my orders. His intelligence and zeal are praiseworthy."

I held the same opinion of this Hospital Assistant in 1878, when I was acting
for Dr. Roberts, and still hold it.

Overseer Timothy was appointed on probation on the 1st August 1880; he does
his work satisfactorily, and I can recommend him to be confirmed in his appoint-

The Duffadars and Warders do their duty, which at all times is trying and
irksome, satisfactorily. Vaccination is regularly kept up.

I certify that the orders respecting the custody of poisonous drugs issued by
the Principal Inspector-General, Indian Medical Department, dated 23rd January
1863, were carefully carried out.

                                            (Signed)            H. D. COOK, M.B., Surgeon,
   CALICUT,                                                          Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum.
1st April 1881.