ANNUAL REPORT ON LUNATIC ASYLUMS.                      7

substitution of a First-class Hospital Assistant for a Warrant Officer at Vizaga-
patam. The proportion of warders to patients was as usual 1 to 6.

15.  The Madras Asylum was carefully inspected by me, and so was that of
Calicut. In both I found the patients well attended to and the general arrange-
ments and working of the institutions satisfactory. I also visited the Vizagapatam
institution, but owing to the irregularity of the steamers on the east coast was
unable to inspect it without great loss of time.

16.  The usual industries were carried on and amusements provided for the

                                             I have the honor to be,
                                                      Your most obedient Servant,

                                                            G. BIDIE, M.D., C.I.E.,
                                       Surgeon-General with the Government of Madras.