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Statement XI do not exactly agree with those denoting the daily average strength in
Statement I; the reason for the difference should be explained. There is still, however,
room for improvement in the Madras asylums. For example, there is no reason why
Bengal should be able to employ 77.7 per cent. of its asylum population on industries
while in Madras the corresponding figure is only 45.8 per cent., nor is there any appa-
rent cause why the average earnings per head in the Madras Presidency should amount
to only Rs. 11-10-0 while in Bombay they reach Rs. 13-3-0. These facts are accen-
tuated by the differences existing between the various asylums under this Govern-
ment ; thus, in Calicut the average earnings amounted to Rs. 20 per head of those
employed, while in Madras the corresponding figure was Rs. 13-5-0 and in Waltair
only As. 14. No reason has been given for these large variations; the matter
should now be explained. The extension of the manufacturing department is
desirable, not only from an economical point of view, but also as a means of occupying
the attention of the patients.

8. On the whole, the administration of the Lunatic Asylums during the year
cannot be regarded as altogether satisfactory ; in many respects the results obtained
were inferior to those of 1889, and from some points of view the asylums in this
Presidency do not compare favourably with those elsewhere.

                                             (True Extract.)

                                                                                        J. F. PRICE,

                                                                                               Chief Secretary.