nursing establishment is provided and the sick are looked after by the ordinary attendants under the supervision of the Hospital Assistant.
20.  Notes on Visitors' Report.—The Madras Asylum was inspected by the Inspector-General of Prisons in July 1902 and I paid several visits to the institution. The Yi/ngapatam and Calicut Asylums were inspected by the Inspector-General of Prisons and myself once during the year. The official visitors of these asylums met once a month as usual.
21.   Invkntoijv.— The inventory of the valuable stock of these asylums has been maintained and checked.
22.   Verification of Service Books.—The service books of the establishment in all these asylums have been verified up to the period under report.
I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant,
D. SINCLAIR, M.B., I.M.S., Surgn.-General,
Surgeon-General luith the Government of Madras.