4                                        STATISTICAL RETURNS OP THE LUNATIC ASYLUMS.
Majesty's Coronation; and (2) under " Superintendence,' because of the increment of pay sanctioned to the Superintendent under G.O. No. 808, Public, dated 13th December 1911.
8: Inspectionsr, etc.—Except at Vizagapatam in January the official visitors met regularly and their remarks were satisfactory. His Excellency the Governor visited the institutions at Madras and Vizagapatam. All three asylums were duly inspected by me. The service and stock registers in all have been properly maintained.
I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient Servant,
W. B. BANNERMAN, o.s.i., m.d., D.Sc,
Surgeon-General, I.M.S.,
Surgeon-General with the Government of Madras,