No. 836, PUBLIC, 28TH MAY 1915.                                41

                                    GOVERNMENT OF MADRAS.

                                        PUBLIC DEPARTMENT.

Order—No. 836, Public, dated 28th May 1915.


2.  The growth in the asylum population, which has been a constant feature
of the reports for some years past, continued during the period under review. The
increase occurred both in civil and criminal lunatics and both in males and females.

3.  The Government observe with regret that the high death-rate of 1913
continued during the period under review. In future a statement in the same form
as annual statement No. XV in the Jail Administration Report should be attached
to the annual and triennial reports on Lunatic Asylums and the Surgeon-General
is requested now to furnish such a statement for each of the last five years in
respect of the Madras and Calicut asylums with any remarks he may desire to offer

4.  Proposals for the construction of a steam laundry and a steam kitchen in
the Madras asylum have been received and are under the consideration of the
Government. The Surgeon-General has already been asked to submit plans and
estimates for the provision of additional hospital accommodation and a separate
kitchen for Brahman patients in the same asylum. He is requested to expedite
their submission.

5.  The Governor in Council notes with pleasure the interest evinced in the
welfare of the inmates by Mr. and Mrs. Porteous and hopes that the example of
the late Rao Bahadur M. Natesa Ayyar, who left a legacy for the benefit of needy
inmates, will be emulated by other members of the public.

                                               (True Extract.)

                                                                             P. RAJAGOPALA ACHARIYAR,
                                                                                              Secretary to Government.