2                          G.O. No. 11—2, 5TH AUGUST 1924

in the method of dealing with mental patients. The assistant surgeon deputed
to England last year for special training in mental diseases is also due to return
shortly. Much better results may therefore be expected in future years.

6.  There was a considerable increase of expenditure especially in the Mental
Hospital at Madras in the years 1920, 1921 and 1922, and a much needed
retrenchment was effected in 1923 by the efforts of the Superintendent of the

7.  The Surgeon-General is requested to address the Government separately
regarding the alleged nuisance caused to the patients of the Madras Mental
Hospital by the existence of the village adjoining the institution. His attention is
in this connexion invited to the correspondence ending with G.O. No. 449, Medl.,
dated 2nd November 1917.

         (By order of Government, Ministry of Local Self-Government)

                                                                         P. L. MOORE,

                                                               Secretary to Government.

To the Surgeon-General.
„ District Magistrate, Malabar.
„ District Magistrate, Vizagapatam.
„ Government of India, Home Department (with C.L.).
„ Secretary and Librarian, School of Economics and
                                             Sociology, University of Bombay.
Editors' Table.