establishments, the creation of the post of the weaving master, the
appointment of English trained matron on a higher rate of pay during
the latter part of the year, the higher rates of ration and the addition of
dhoby allowances sanctioned to the nursing staff in the Mental Hospital,
Madras. The increased expenditure of diets is due to an increase in the
population of certain hospitals and to the introduction of the revised
scales of diets for hospital patients recommended by the Diet Committee
and sanctioned by Government in G.O. No. 989, P.H., dated 14th June

17.  General administration.—Dr. H. S. Hensman, L.M.S., M.R.C.S.,
L.R.C.P., M.P.C, was throughout the year the Superintendent of the Mental
Hospital, Madras. At Calicut Lt.-Col. A. P. G. Lorimer, I.M.S., was
Superintendent throughout the year except for a short period of five
weeks from 13th October to 17th November 1926 when Civil Assistant
Surgeon M.R.Ry. C. T. Verghese, Assistant District Medical Officer, was
in charge temporarily. At Waltair Major (now Lt. Col.) A. S. Leslie,
I.M.S., was in charge from 1st to 18th January 1926, Capt. S. C. Contractor,
I.M.S., from the 19th January to 2nd March 1926, Civil Surgeon M.R.Ry.
N. Venkataswami Chetti Garu, M.B., C.M., from 3rd March to 28th
November 1926 and Civil Assistant Surgeon M.R.Ry. C. Totadri Avargal,
L.M.S., from the 29th November to 31st December 1926.

18.   Visitors.—All the official and non-official visitors attended the
monthly meetings of the hospitals. The Mental Hospital, Madras, was
visited by H.E. the Governor of Madras, the Surgeon-General and the
Inspector-General of Prisons ; the Hospital at Waltair was visited by the
Surgeon-General, Inspector-General of Prisons, District Collector and
the Executive Engineer ; while the one at Calicut was visited by the
Surgeon-General and the Inspector-General of Prisons.

19.   Verification of the service registers and stock books.Service
registers and stock books in all the three hospitals were verified and found

20.   General remarks.—Proposals for—
(1)  the reorganization of the staff of nurses and attendants,
(2)  improvements to the buildings of mental hospitals,
(3)  establishment of a home for mental defectives as an annexe to
the Mental Hospital, Madras,
(4)  the introduction of mental clinics in the Government General
Hospital, and in the headquarter hospitals at Calicut and
(5)  the enlargement of the course of studies in mental diseases in
the medical colleges and schools and
(6)  training of medical officers in the treatment of mental diseases
are under consideration.

I have no further remarks to add except to say that when the above
proposals are carried out the condition of the mental hospitals in this
Presidency will be much improved.
                                                I have the honour to be,
                                          Your most obedient servant,
                   F. H. G. HUTCHINSON, MAJOR-GENERAL, I.M.S.,
                  Surgeon-General with the Government of Madras.