the largest number among the patients admitted during the year as in
the case of the two previous years (vide statement No. V). Among the
admissions, persons whose previous occupations are not known
numbered 104, general labourers numbered 58 and cultivating tenants 48.
From the available statistics it is not possible to arrive at any conclusion
as to the existence of a relationship between the cause of insanity and
the occupation of patients.

4.  Causes of insanity.—The main causes of insanity were ; heredity,
privation and starvation, mental stress, over exertion, parturition, acute
infective diseases, alcohol, senility, epilepsy, congenital mental deficiency
and Cannabis indica. Dental sepsis which is very common may also be
a contributory cause.

5.  Types of insanity.—The principal types of insanity treated were
mania, dementia praecox, dementia, melancholia, insanity due to
Cannabis indica, insanity due to alcohol and delusional insanity.

6.  Criminal insanes.—There were 156 criminal insanes (141 males and
15 females) at the beginning of the year. During the year 39 were
admitted and re-admitted and so the total number of insanes confined
during the year was 195. The daily average strength during the year
was 152.54 against 149.06 in the previous year. The number of " dis-
charges, transfers, etc.", was 32, while the number of deaths was 10 during
the year.

7.  Deaths.—The number of deaths during the year under report was
83 against 80 and 89, in the two previous years respectively.

8.  Accommodation. —The maximum number of patients accommodated
on any one day during the year was 867 in the Mental Hospital, Madras,
104 in the Mental Hospital, Waltair, and 272 in the Mental Hospital,
Calicut. The population in all the mental hospitals tends to increase
every year. The question of providing adequate accommodation is
engaging attention.

9.  Buildings.—Further progress is noticeable in regard to the reorgani-
zation of the existing mental hospitals in this Presidency so as to convert
them into hospitals for the scientific treatment of mental disorders. The
Government have sanctioned the Surgeon-General's proposal to allow
the Superintendents of Mental Hospitals and Consulting Architect to
Government to visit the up-to-date buildings of the European Mental
Hospital at Ranchi before the detailed scheme of improvements is drafted.

Madras.—The construction of the new European kitchen referred
to in the previous report was completed during the year.

Waltair.—The installation of a pump in the well has been executed
during the year.

Calicut—The following are the new constructions for the year :—

    (1)  Emergency ward for 24 male patients.

    (2)  A sanitary pattern latrine with 12 seats for male patients.

    (3)  A sanitary pattern latrine with 2 seats for female servants.

New works sanctioned are mentioned hereunder:—

    (1)  Cottage for paying patients—The work could not be carried out
as it is proposed to locate the building on the land to be acquired.

    (2)  A recreation room for males—The construction of this has just

    (3)  Eighteen single rooms for males—The construction of this is
postponed pending the report of the specialists.

    (4)  Duty room for nurses.

    (5)  Compound wall for servants' quarters.

    (6)  Wire fencing for the Western Garden.

    (7)  Quarters for the sub-assistant surgeon.

    (8)  Latrine for the totis' huts.

The usual annual repairs to buildings in all the mental hospitals
were carried out and the buildings are all in a good state of repair.