2                  No. 1203, P.H., DATED 7TH MAY 1929

while the question of starting psychiatric clinics will be taken up as soon
as the officer who has been deputed to Europe and America for special
training in the subject returns.

        (By order of the Government, Ministry of Public Health)

                                                                HILTON BROWN,
                                                            Secretary to Government.

To the Surgeon-General.
„ District Magistrate, Malabar.
„ District Magistrate, Vizagapatam.
„ Law and Education Department.
„ Government of India, Home Department (with C.L.).
„ Secretary and Librarian, School of Economics and Sociology,
University of Bombay.
„ Librarian, Legislative Council Library.
„ Honorary Secretary, Local Self-Government Institute, Poona.
Editors' Table.