2                        No. 1004 P.H., DATED 5TH JUNE 1931

and for establishing a home for mentally defective children and the
formation of a mental cadre.

         (By order of the Government, Ministry of Public Health)

                                                                  HILTON BROWN,
                                                            Secretary to Government.

To the Surgeon-General.
„ District Magistrate, Malabar.
„ District Magistrate, Vizagapatam.
„ Law (General) Department.
„ Government of India, Home Department (with C.L.).
„ Secretary and Librarian, School of Economics and Sociology,
University of Bombay.
„ Librarian, Legislative Council Office (2 copies).
„ Honorary Secretary, L.S.G. Institute, Poona.
„ Secretary, Madras Services Commission.
