R. No. 623-Hos.

                                                       OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL
                                                     WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF MADRAS,
                                                         MADRAS, 16th April 1932.


         MAJOR-GENERAL C. A. SPRAWSON, C.I.E., V.H.S., I.M.S.,




I have the honour to submit the Annual Report on the working
of the mental hospitals in this Presidency for the year ending 31st
December 1931.

2. Population.—The total population of the three mental hospitals
during the year under report was 2,077 (1,606 males and 471 females)
as against 1,942 in the previous year. The number of patients remaining
at the commencement of the year was 1,435. The figure for the previous
year was 1,343 and the number admitted and re-admitted during the year
was 642 as compared with 599 in the previous year. Of the total treated,
255 were " cured ", 119 " improved ", 45 " discharged not improved ", 55
" discharged otherwise ", 87 " died " and 1,516 remained at the end of the
year. The daily average strength of inmates in the three mental hospitals
was 1,499.9 as compared with 1,403.9 in the previous year and the daily
average sick was 233.7 as against 236.4 in 1930. Of the total number of
patients admitted during the year, 24 were Europeans and Anglo-Indians,
63 Indian Christians, 416 Hindus, 113 Muhammadans and 15 of other
castes. The total population may be classified as follows:—

Civil patients ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Voluntary boarders ... ... ... ... ... ...


Criminal patients ... ... ... ... ... ...


Total ...


There were three escapes during the year, two from the Mental
Hospital, Madras, and one from the Mental Hospital, Waltair. Of the
two patients who escaped from the Mental Hospital, Madras, one was a
criminal lunatic. He was found and brought back to the hospital. A
report regarding the escape and re-arrest of this criminal lunatic was
sent to Government and was recorded in G.O. Ms. No. 4225, Law (General),
dated 19th November 1931.

3.  Treatment and its results.—The results of treatment have been
satisfactory. The percentage of recoveries on the daily average strength
was 17.00 as against 15.81 in the previous year and that on admissions was
21.17 the corresponding figure for 1930 being 20.54. On account of over-
crowding of patients in the Madras Mental Hospital a number of cases
had to be discharged and handed over to relatives as " improved".
Otherwise they might have been discharged as "cured" had they
remained longer in the hospital.

4.  Age and previous occupation of the inmates.—Of the patients
admitted and re-admitted during the year 39 were under 20 years of age,
408 between 20 to 40 years, 168 between 40 to 60 years and 16 upwards of