( 18 )

than a lunatic. During the time he was at large, up to 29th July, 1896, he had
travelled over Indore, Bhusawal, Khandwa, Bombay, Bhavnagar, Dholia, &c.,
subsisting on begging; he eventually reached the Hindu shrine " Dwarkaji," where
he had the sacred mark of Dwarka stamped on both shoulders. On the 30th July
he came to the Asylum to pay his respects to the Deputy Superintendent and
was detained. Of the 9 admissions (3 committed murder,) 8 were received from
the Central Provinces, 1 came from Native States.

(1) Thakurdin, Kole, age 50, resident of Sehora Tahsil, murdered his wife
whilst she was in bed. Pronounced unfit to stand his trial by the Civil Surgeon.
The exciting cause in this case was excessive ganja-smoking.

History.—A day or two before the murder, his wife told her neighbours, that
there was something wrong with her husband, as he would neither eat nor drink
and was continually abusing her. A man from a village near, who is deemed
to possess supernatural powers came and performed certain ceremonies and after
a while declared that he had driven the demon away and that he was cured.
At 11 P.M., the wife called out that her husband was killing her, and by the
time the neighbours came she was dead.

On admission he was incoherent, melancholic, will sit and stare at an object
for a long time, looked dull and if questioned seemed to have great difficulty in
collecting his thoughts. If asked about his wife he said that he had killed her
because of her unfaithfulness.

Is now greatly improved, still takes a little time before answering ; will not
now admit to the murder. Will soon be able to stand his trial.

(2) Anto, aged 30, carpenter, resident of Narsingpur District, admitted on
the 27th June, 1896. The Civil Surgeon states that he had a defective memory,
immediately forgetting anything that was said to him; has a wild vacant
expression ; very morose and disinclined to talk. He attacked a warder without
any provocation.

History.—Has been insane off and on since 18 years. His present attack has
lasted 2 years. He attacked a woman who was passing the front of his house
with a block of wood, delivering two blows on her head which killed her: there
was apparently no cause.

On admission was very talkative and restless, has homicidal tendency ; states
that he did commit the crime, did not know why.

The next day he denied it and said that being at enmity with the Malguzar
the crime was put on him.

Is continually making holes in his cell and denies it if spoken to. Now says
that he did kill the woman because he was mad, but that he is perfectly
sane now.

I think this is a hopeless case of dementia.

(3) Gandhya, barber, age 50, Mahomedan, received from Nagode State.

The resident Surgeon states that the man remains in a melancholic condition
with a vacant look ; he answers questions coherently, but his replies are as a rule
inconsequent and unmeaning; occasionally refuses food. The relatives state that
he has been in the same state for several years, varied by occasional fits of violence
when he would attack any one near. During one of these fits of violence he attacked
and killed an old woman against whom he could not possibly have had a quarrel.

On admission he will not answer questions and refuses to move from any
place he has settled in; refuses food; very emaciated. Still has to be fed.

If asked where he came from, he will say choose for yourself, I don't care.

4. There were three cases admitted where the insanity was clearly traced
to starvation, at least starvation was the exciting cause