6. The management of both asylums has continued good throughout the
year, and reflects great credit on both the Superintendents. In Nagpur the dairy
has continued to give excellent results both financially and in regard to the health
of the inmates, and Surgeon-Major Harris is to be congratulated on the results.
Both the Deputy Superintendents have also done good work throughout the year.

ORDER.—Ordered, that a copy of this Resolution be submitted to the
Government of India in the Home Department, and that a copy be forwarded to the
Administrative Medical Officer, Central Provinces, for information and guidance;
also that it be published in the Supplement to the Central Provinces Gazette.

                                                                      [True Extract.]

                                                                     H. A. CRUMP,

                                   Second Secretary to the Chief Commissioner,

                                                                                     Central Provinces.

                         Secretariat Press, Nagpur —R. D., 2-6 98—170.