Commissioner, twice by the Director-General, Indian Medical Service, and four
times by the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals. The official visitors of both
the institutions met regularly every month, and to them as well as to the
Superintendents and Deputy Superintendents, the successful management of the
asylums is mainly due.

Notice of Officers.

25. The Superintendents and the Deputy Superintendents have worked
with zeal and energy. Rai Sahib Mohan Lal, Deputy
Superintendent, Jubbulpore, has continued to render
valuable services, and Kashinath Gopal at Nagpur has proved an excellent
Deputy Superintendent in every way. Besides being well qualified professionally,
he is tactful and sympathetic with the inmates, whose confidence he apparently

26. The work in the Nagpur Asylum is now too heavy for the Deputy Superin-
tendent to manage single-handed. I agree with Lieutenant-Colonel Poynder that
an assistant should be given him to undertake the medical portion of the work,
and in anticipation of sanction, I have posted a reserve Hospital Assistant to
the asylum, The question of establishing a Central Asylum at Chhindwara is still
pending. It is desirable that a decision should be come to at an early date,
as needful alterations and additions to both the existing asylums are in the
meantime held up.

                                                            I have the honour to be,
                                                      Your most obedient Servant,

                                                P. A. WEIR, M. B., COL., I. M. S.,

                                            Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals,

                                                                                    Central Provinces.