No. 5807-505-IX.


                   HEALTH DEPARTMENT.

Nagpur, the 5th August 1930.

Notes on the Annual Statements of the Mental Hospital in the
Central Provinces and Berar for 1927 and Annual Reports
on the Mental Hospital in the Central Provinces and
Berar for the years 1928 and 1929.


The need for increased accommodation which was
noticed in the last review, continued to be felt in 1927
and 1928. Actual overcrowding was mitigated to some
extent by housing sick patients in the hospital ward and
by allowing a few others to sleep in the verandahs at
night. The provision of additional buildings was sanction-
ed by Government in 1928, and one barrack for 20 non-
paying male patients and two wards for four paying
patients were completed early in 1929. The hospital now
provides accommodation for 462 patients, 336 male and
126 female, and the construction of four more wards for
eight paying patients is nearing completion. Against this
the daily average number of patients in 1929 was 426.44,
of whom 333.57 were males and 92.87 females.

2. In 1928 a new appointment of Alienist was
created, replacing the Deputy Superintendent. In 1929
the post of Alienist was converted into the post of a whole-
time Superintendent and the Civil Surgeon, Nagpur, was
relieved of the duty of looking after the hospital. In 1928
the appointments of a part-time dental surgeon and
a specialist in ear, nose and throat work were sanctioned
with a view to eliminate focal sepsis as a possible cause of
mental trouble. In 1929 the post of the specialist in
throat work was discontinued as the demand was found