expenditure is mainly due to (1) Public Works Depart-
ment charges for construction of new buildings and repairs
which were Rs. 37,521 against Rs. 23,376 in the previous
year; (2) increased expenditure under establishment,
viz., Rs. 31,715 against Rs. 28,766 due to the appointment
of a whole-time Superintendent; (3) increased expend-
iture under "Diet" and "Contingencies proper" due to
(a) increase in number of patients treated and (b) issue
of extra diets to invalids and debilitated patients. The
average cost of "Diet and clothing" per patient per
annum was Rs. 115 against Rs. 107 last year, i.e., an
increase of about 11 annas per patient per month.

Receipts from paying patients amounted to Rs. 13,593
against Rs. 10,118 in the previous year and the receipts
from other sources were Rs. 2,783 against Rs. 2,193. The
value of stores received from the manufacturing depart-
ment less cost of raw materials was Rs. 12,879 against
Rs. 10,431 of last year.


14. The post of a whole-time Superintendent was
created, the Alienist being appoint-
ed to that post, and the temporary
post of Nose and Throat Specialist was abolished, other-
wise there was no change.

Profit and loss.

15. Profits during the year under review were
Rs. 5,213 against 4,528 in the pre-
vious year.


16. As mentioned in paragraph 3 of the report, the
question of further increase in
accommodation is under considera-
tion. A most important work which must be taken in
hand immediately is the improvement of the present gar-
den water-supply as there was great scarcity of garden
water last year. The question of fencing in more of the
hospital land to allow of more cultivation and the saving
of grass for fodder is also very necessary. Last year for
about 2 months fresh vegetables had to be purchased from
the market and a large quantity of fodder for the cattle
was bought during the year.


17. The official and non-official visitors attended
the monthly meetings regularly.
The Inspector-General of Civil
Hospitals visited the hospital twice during the year.