AND BERAR, FOR THE YEAR 1938

Buildings.—During the year under report. Rs. 83,397
were spent in providing extra accommodation for 130
patients (8 for females, 110 for males and 12 for paying
wards). The new buildings are well planned, airy and can
be easily maintained in sanitary conditions.

Old buildings are extremely unsuitable for the purpose
of a Mental Hospital. A complete scheme to modernise
the existing buildings and to provide electric light for the
whole Institution is under consideration.

2.     Population (Statement No. 1).—The number
of resident patients at the beginning of the year was 378
males and 102 females, totalling 480. New admissions
during the year were 114 [97] and the total population was
594 [561]. The daily average strength of the total popula-
tion, excluding observation cases, was 381.99 males and
104.75 females, total 486.74 [473.10]. Including Observation
cases, the daily average strength was 386.85 males and 105.30
females, total 492.15 [478.18]. The ratio per cent of cases
"Cured" to daily average strength was 15.18 males and
8.59 females, total 13.77 [9.30]. The ratio per cent of
cases "Cured" to new admissions was 21.87 males and
33.33 females, total 23.68 [23.47].

3.    Accommodation.—The maximum number of
resident patients on any one night was 402 males and 106
females [378 males and 104 females]. Overcrowding was
relieved by the construction of new wards which were
taken over in August 1938 and the present accommodation
available is for 458 males and 142 females, total 600.

4.    Discharges.—The number of patients discharged
during the year was 78 [60], 67 were discharged as
cured, 3 as improved, 1 not improved and 7 otherwise.
"Improved and other" cases were taken away by their
relatives before they could have the full benefit of the
treatment and the "Not improved" case was transferred
to the Indian Mental Hospital, Ranchi.

5.     Sickness and mortality.—The mortality during
the year was 23 [21] giving a percentage of 4.73 [4.44].
