hospital and entertainment of additional medical and
nursing staff is under consideration.

Occupational Therapy.—Most of the inmates are kept
engaged in agriculture and gardening. It has not been
found possible to introduce any form of cottage industry
such as weaving, carpentry, canework, etc. As soon as
extra staff is available these industries on a small scale
will be introduced and other suitable arrangements for the
amusements and recreation of patients will be made.

Dental treatment of patients.—Mr. C. Barretto, L.D.S.,
D.D.S., was in charge throughout the year. He performed
his duties satisfactorily.

7. Cases under observation (Statement No.II).
—Two cases were under observation on 1st January 1938
77 cases (including 4 re-admissions) were admitted for
observation. Of these, 43 were certified as insane, 5 although
certified were released under section 14 of the Lunacy Act,
20 were discharged as cured, 2 died and 9 remained at the
close of the year.

8. Criminal insanes and insane criminals—
(Statement No. III).—The number of criminal insanes
and insane criminals at the beginning of the year was 116
males and 15 females, total 131. The number admitted
during the year was 31 [25] males including 3 re-admissions
and 3 [1] females, total 34.20 were discharged, 5 died and
the number at the close of the year was 123 males and 17
females, total 140.

9.    Religion, sex and residence (Statement. No.
IV), Age (Statement No. V) and form of mental
disorder (Statement No. VI).—These need no special

10.     Probable cause of insanity (Statement
No. VII).—History being defective the probable cause of
insanity could not be ascertained in a large number of cases.

11.    Finance (Statement No. VIII).—The total
amount spent for the up-keep of the hospital was Rs. 1,98,441
inclusive of Public Works Department charges amounting
to Rs. 79,152 in round figures. Exclusive of the charges
for construction of new wards and other special repairs the
total amount spent is Rs. 1,19,289 [Rs. 1, 17,439]. The
average cost for diet and clothing per patient per mensem
