The following table shows the period of their stay
in hospital:—

Between 20 to 30 years 5, between 15 to 20 years
1, between 10 to 15 years 3, between 5 to 10 years 4,
between 2 to 5 years 4, between 1 to 2 years 1, under
1 year (of these 5 were admitted in bad state of health)
6. Total 24.

The general physical health of the patients was good.
The daily average sick was 15.82 [17.42]. Prophylactic
measures against cholera and smallpox were taken as usual.
Amongst the resident patients 51 were treated for ankylos-
tome and 11.66 per cent were found infected among new
admissions. The death rate per cent for 1939 in Mental
Hospitals in other provinces in India was as shown below :—

6.7 in Bombay, 5.50 in Madras, 6.72 in United
Provinces, 6.21 in the Ranchi European Mental Hos-
pital, 2.43 in the Ranchi Indian Mental Hospital, 4.52
in Punjab and 5.47 in Assam.

6. Hydrotherapy and Special Treatment.—
Twenty cases of acute mania were treated by hydrotherapy
with success. Four cases, of whom three were very old
cases, were treated by cardiazol, of these one was discharged
cured but the old cases did not respond. Twenty-two
cases were treated by histamine combined with insulin, of
which seven were discharged as cured, one as improved
and the remaining are still under treatment. Ten cases
were treated by organotherapy, of which five were dis-
charged as cured, one as improved and the remaining are
still undergoing treatment. Result of treatment of recent
cases of schizophrenia with cardiazol is very encouraging,
but unfortunately owing to the outbreak of war this treat-
ment will have to be kept in abeyance till an American
product is easily procurable.

Occupational Therapy.—Patients, excepting the infirm
and the sick were engaged in agriculture, gardening, road
making, weaving and dairy.

Dental treatment of patients. – Mr. E. S. Bhoosreddy,
L.D.S., was in charge from the 10th February 1939 to the
end of the year.

7. Cases under Observation (statement No. II) .––
Nine cases were under observation on 1st January 1939.
56 cases (including 2 re-admissions) were admitted for