observation. Of these, 38 were certified as insanes, 3
although certified were released under section 14 of the
Lunacy Act, 19 were discharged as cured, 1 died and 4
remained at the close of the year.

8.      Criminal insanes and insane criminals (state-
ment No. III).––The number of criminal insanes and
insane criminals at the beginning of the year was 123 males
and 17 females, total 140. The number admitted during
the year was 26 [31] males including 1 re-admission and
1 [3] female, total 27. 21 were discharged, 3 died and the
number at the close of the year was 126 males and 1 7 females,
total 143.

9.      Religion, sex and residence (statement
No. IV), age (statement No. V) and form of mental
disorder (statement No. VI). These need no special

10.     Probable cause of insanity (statement No.
VII). History being defective the probable cause of
insanity could not be ascertained in a large number of cases.

11.     Finance (statement No. VIII). The total
amount spent for the upkeep of the hospital was Rs. 1,43,754
inclusive of Public Works Department charges amounting
to Rs. 22,200 in round figures. Exclusive of the charges
for the construction of quarters for the staff and other
special repairs, the total amount spent is Rs. l,21,554
[Rs. 1,19,289]. The average cost for diet and clothing
and bedding per patient per mensem was Rs. 6-11-5
[Rs. 7-11-10] and inclusive of treatment, care and control
the cost was Rs. 157-9-0 [Rs. 157] per patient per annum.

12.     Visitors. Official and non-official visitors
attended the monthly meetings regularly.

13.     Administration. Mr. J. Roy, M.B., D.P.M.
(Eng.), was in charge throughout the year except for the
period from 16th January 1939 to 15th May 1939 when he
was on leave and Captain F. C. Leach, I.M.S., held the
charge. A new post of Deputy Superintendent has been
created and Mr. K. C. Dube, Assistant Surgeon, has been
appointed to it from 15th July 1939.

                              N. S. JATAR, LT.-COLONEL, L.M.S.,

          NAGPUR :            Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals.

The 2nd February 1940               Central Provinces and Berar.