mania 1, schizophrenia catatonia 3, secondary anaemia 6
colitis 2, bacillary dysentery 2, amœbic dysentery 1, paraty
phoid 1, septicæmia 1, general debility (old age) 2, hear
failure 1 and murder 1.

The following table shows the period of their stay in

Between 20 to 30 years 2, between 15 to 20 years 2,
between 10 to 15 years 3, between 5 to 10 years 10,
between 2 to 5 years 10, between 1 to 2 years 1, under
1 year [of these 6 were received in bad state of
health] 9. Total 38.

The general physical health of the patients was fair.
The daily average sick was 20.12 [15.82]. Prophylactic
measures against cholera and smallpox were taken as usual.
Amongst the resident patients 65 were treated for ankylos-
tome and 11.40 were found infected among new admissions.
The death rate per cent for 1940 in Mental Hospitals in
other provinces in India was as shown below:—

In Bombay ..


In Madras ..


In United Provinces ..


In the Ranchi European Mental


In the Ranchi Indian Mental Hospital


In Punjab ..


In Assam ..


6.    Water scarcity.—General sanitation of the
institution could not be maintained at a high level owing to
acute water scarcity. Hydrotherapeutic treatment had to
be abandoned for a very long period. Vegetables raised in
the hospital garden were also poor both in quality and

7.    Hydrotherapy and special treatment.
wenty cases of acute mania were treated by hydrotherapy
with success. Eleven cases were treated by histamine
combined with insulin of which one was discharged as
cured and the remaining are still undergoing treatment.
Eight cases were treated by organotherapy of which two
were discharged as cured and one improved and the rest
are still undergoing treatment.