13.    Visitors.—Official and non-official visitors
attended the monthly meetings regularly.

14.     Administration.—Mr. J. Roy, M.B., D.P.M.,
(Eng.), was in charge throughout the year except for the
period from the 25th March to 22nd August 1940 when he
was on leave and Mr. K. C. Dube, M.B., B.S., the Deputy
Superintendent, held the charge in addition to his own
duties. Mr. G. D. Pimpalkar, M.B., B.S., has been Deputy
Superintendent from the 25th September 1940, vice
Mr. K. C. Dube, proceeded on military service.

               J. B. HANCE, LT.-COL., I.M.S.,

     NAGPUR :                 Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals,

The 7th April 1941.                   Central Provinces and Berar.