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Such Cases can be dealt with under the provisions of sections 13 to 17 of the Indian Lunacy Act (Act No. XXXII of 1923) as " non-criminal " mental patients and sent to this hospital as such for treatment and safe custody. This would permit of their early discharge on recovery and would obviate the ordeal of a trial.
20.  Much unnecessary correspondence is entailed in the office of the Mental Hos­pital owing to incomplete information being furnished by committing magistrates and police. In some instances, an incomplete history is excusable, e.g., in the case of wandering and homeless persons about whom nothing is known. But the omission of the required section of the law in the committing order is not excusable. Columns 4t and 8 of the descriptive roll are not, as a rule, properly filled in by the police.
21.  There is a filtered water-supply from the Tezpur Water-works. The supply is very insufficient though supplemented by a well. The Male Section and the whole staff are suffering acutely from the shortage. The water-supply to the Female Section by extra pumping at night continues ; this arrangement gives an ample supply to that section only.
With the appointment of a Sanitary Engineer for the province, it is hoped that p                            the scheme for provision of an adequate water-supply will
rapidly mature.
There has been a long correspondence over several years on this question, and the present state of affairs cannot continue. The reconstruction of the Mental Hospital will be completed soon, and the water-supply cannot be left to the municipality any longer. It would be far better for this institution to have a completely independent water«supply.
22.  Lieutenant-Colonel Ritchie has been in charge of the Mental Hospital for many years and is to be much congratulated on his keen interest in the institution.
Khan Sahib Sub-Assistant Surgeon Mokhtar Hussain continues to deserve the excellent opinions which have been expressed about him in previous years.
The work of Sub-Assistant Surgeon Krishna Kam Das and of the Steward Babu Bepin Behari Sarma has been good.
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Shillong :
G. HUTCHESON, Colonel, I.M.S., Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Assam*
The llth April 1930J
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