(f) On the whole, it may be said that the asylums were managed carefully and
efficiently, and that the lunatics were well looked after and treated humanely.

         (g) At Tezpur first-grade Hospital Assistant Girish Chandra Das was subordinate
medical officer and overseer during the whole period, and from 4th October 1895. He is
now, of course, a very experienced asylum officer, and has acquitted himself creditably

         At Dacca the Hospital Assistant is not overseer. Hospital Assistant Sarat Chandra
Biswas was in subordinate charge up to 7th December 1903; Hospital Assistant Satis
Chandra Chakravarti up to 20th June 1905; and fourth-grade Hospital Assistant Bijoy
Lall Lahiri up to the end of the period. The lastnamed, who was a bright and hard-
working young man, was unfortunately carried off by cholera soon after the close of the


DAVID WILKIE, Colonel, I.M.S.,

The 1st April 1906.

Inspector General of Civil Hospitals, Eastern Bengal and Assam,