6. During the period under review the Government of Bengal and the Assam
Administration have impressed upon local officers the importance of the medical
history sheet which is forwarded with a lunatic to the Superintendent of an Asylum.
It is nevertheless reported that there has been no marked improvement in filling
up these papers, and that they have been of but little assistance in ascertaining the
causes of insanity, which remained undiscovered in the cases of 52.39 per cent. of the
admissions from 1903 to 1905. The attention of committing officers is again directed
to the necessity of making the fullest enquiry into every case so as to ascertain as far
as possible the antecedents of lunatics and the circumstances that led to their loss of

         By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam,

                                             J. E. WEBSTER,

                  Offg. Secretary to the Government of Eastern Bengal and Assam.

                  E. B. & A. S. P. O. (Judl.) No. 16—500—19-6-1906.