cheaper in 1908 than in 1907. The expenditure on establishment proper during the
triennium was Rs. 8,320-4-6 in 1906, Rs. 8,547- 6-3 in 1907 and Rs. 9,232-4-7 in 1908.
The increase is entirely due to the revision of the establishment of the Tezpur Asylum
in the latter part of 1907. The raising of the rates of pay of the warders and keepers
has had the expected result of better and more efficient management.

         Clothing and bedding.

         There was not much difference in expenditure on clothing and bedding during the

past three years, the figures being Rs. 2,256-0-9 in 1906
Rs. 2,368-9-3 in 1907 and Rs. 2,172-3-6 in 1908, and the
average Rs. 2,265-9-10 against Rs. 2,225-3-7 in the previous triennium. The excess in
1907 in the Tezpur Asylum is attributed to the purchase of wooden cots, which were
very much needed. On the whole, the figures do not call for comment, and the expen-
diture was certainly not heavy in 1908, considering that the number of inmates had
largely increased in that year.

         The expenditure on "contingencies proper" was Rs. 11,287-9-1 against
Rs. 10,327-13-6 in the previous triennium. The expenditure was larger in 1908 than in
the two previous years, the figures being Rs. 3,578-4-2 in 1906, Rs. 3,431-11-4 in 1907
and Rs. 4277-9-7 in 1908. The excess in 1908 is attributable to larger expenditure on
account of liveries supplied to keepers,—the rate per livery was fixed at Rs. 20 in 1908,
while in previous years they were supplied at cheaper rates, and also to increased expendi-
ture on raw materials for the manufacturing department at Tezpur.

         The expenditure on "rates and taxes" was Rs. 751-9-0 in 1906, Rs. 580-4-0 in
1907 and Rs. 873-4-0 in 1908. The excess in 1908 is due to an increase in the rates
at Tezpur and to the payment of arrears at the increased rate.

         The expenditure on medical stores and medicines (including bazar medicines)
was Rs. 238-10-9 in 1906, Rs. 980-9-2 in 1907 and Rs. 395-7-0 in 1908. The increase
in 1907 occurred at Dacca.

         Public Works charges amounted to Rs. 1,615 in 1906, Rs. 8,438-15-8 in 1907
and Rs. 2,355-7-8 in 1908. The excess expenditure in 1907 was due to the construction
of a tubercle ward in the Dacca Asylum.

         The total receipts from paying patients in both asylums were Rs. 653-1-2 in 1906,
Rs. 360-10-3 in 1907 and Rs. 288-14-5 in 1908. As compared with 1906 and the
two previous years, there was a considerable decrease in receipts from paying patients.

         The profits on manufactures was Rs. 5,338-6-0 in 1906, Rs. 5,051-11-7 in 1907,
and Rs. 5,877-10-0 in 1908. The Tezpur Asylum shows a steady increase every year,
the amounts being Rs. 2,500-10-3 in 1906, Rs. 3,059-14-6 in 1907, and Rs. 3,623-2-3 in


         Employment of inmates.

         6. Employment, mainly of a domestic character, was carried out in both asylums,

such as cleanliness of the asylum, its buildings and com-
pound. They were also employed in spinning, weaving,
cleaning grain, gardening, cultivating, cane-work, rope-
making, and as dairy assistants. At Tezpur a larger number are employedon brick-
making and brick-pounding. Gardening is the main occupation at Dacca and also
at Tezpur. The extensive garden at Tezpur affords excellent opportunity for congenial
employment. In both asylums the lunatics have taken cheerfully to their duties and
seem happy and contented.


         7. In 1906, there was overcrowding in the Dacca Asylum from April to the end of

the year. There was slight overcrowding among females,
but this caused no inconvenience. In 1907, there was over-
crowding throughout the year, but this was relieved to some
extent by the provision of a tubercle ward which was occupied in November of that year.
There was slight overcrowding in 1908 both on the male and female sides, but no
serious inconvenience resulted. The capacity of the Dacca Asylum in 1908 was 238
males and 45 females, while the maximum number confined in any one night was 246
males and 46 females, and the daily average strength 236.58 males and 44.37 females.

         The asylum buildings at Tezpur were carefully re-measured in 1907, and it has been
ascertained that there is sufficient accommodation for 133 males and 33 females. The
average strength in 1908, however, was 166.30 males and 33.08 females. The Asylum
has been for some time, and is still, overcrowded. A male ward to accommodate 24
patients is under consideration and will be completed shortly. This should afford some
relief, but there is still need for another ward ( the 5th ) which it is proposed to provide.
When the new ward is occupied, the old thatch-roofed hut, which accommodates 18
patients at present, will be dismantled, so actually the new ward will provide accommoda-
tion for only 6 more patients. It is also intended to convert the present female barrack,