system of the care and treatment of the insane, and that practically speaking, the
whole of them would have to be demolished if a new central asylum on modern plans,
is to be built on the existing site and on land acquired adjoining to it, the acquisition of
which would cost ever a lakh of rupees. I agree in the conclusions of the committee
that it will be more satisfactory, as well as actually cheaper, to give up the present site
of the Dacca asylum to the central jail whose need of extension it would satisfy for many
years to come and that a central asylum should be constructed on another site. I also
agree with them that there is no reason why the central asylum should not be built at
any other station in the province which is readily accessible by rail from other parts of
it, and which is at once healthy and cheap as well as affording plenty of suitable land
at a moderate cost. Three possible stations have been mentioned, viz., Comilla,
Tezpur and Malda. I am now considering the matter from the point of view of their
healthiness, accessibility and economic conditions, and my recommendation will be
submitted to Government shortly.

         In conclusion, I have pleasure in acknowledging the excellent work done by Major
Wood in Tezpur, and the care and attention devoted to the Asylum at Dacca by Major
Anderson and Lieutenant Colonel Hall for the periods they held charge of that institution.
At Dacca the Overseer, Romesh Chandra Sil an experienced officer of nearly thirty years'
service, and Hospital Assistant Rash Mohan Bhowmik have been unremitting in the
performance of their duties, while at Tezpur, Hospital Assistant Giris Chandra Das, who
is also Overseer, has proved himself an experienced and capable officer.

                                                                                 R. NEIL CAMPBELL,

            SHILLONG ;                                                            LIEUT.-COLONEL, I.M.S.,

                                                                        Offg. Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals,
The March 3
0th 1909,                                                                             Eastern Bengal and Assam.