The expenditure under clothing and bedding in the Tezpur Asylum increased
from Rs. 1,117-1-6 to Rs. 1,479-11-0, the number of inmates being larger than in the
previous year.

         An extra male keeper was entertained in the Tezpur Asylum during the year.

         As regards profits on manufactures, the Dacca Asylum shows a slight improve-
ment, while there is a very slight decrease at Tezpur (from Rs. 3,623-2-3 in 1908 to
Rs. 3,504-10-3 in 1909) which is explained to be due to the fall in the price of jute and
to the high price of coal which is largely used in manufacturing bricks.



         6. The capacity of the Dacca Asylum calculated at 50 superficial feet per patient,

is for 238 males and 45 females, while the maximum
number confined in any one night was 262 males and 42
females. The daily average strength was 251 males and 39 females, and this shows
there was slight overcrowding throughout the year. Attempts are being made to find
friends or relations who would take over harmless non-criminal lunatics.

         The capacity of the Tezpur Asylum is for 133 males and 33 females while the
maximum number confined in any one night was 200 males and 42 females. Ap-
parently, there was great overcrowding and extra accommodation is required. I have
already submitted proposals to Government for some improvements, and plans and
estimates are in coarse of preparation in respect of other additions and alterations
which are urgent.

         7. I may add I have been thoroughly satisfied with the working of both Asylums
during the year.

                                    SHILLONG :

R. NEIL CAMPBELL, C.I.E., Colonel, I.M.S.,

The 30th March 1910.

         Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals,

         Eastern Bengal and Assam.