( 6 )

The expense per man has much increased during the past year, being
Rupees 94 this last year, against Rs. 81 of the previous one.

Dr. Wise's remarks upon the most commonly met with diseases amongst
the insane inmates, and their relative mortality, are interesting. It is quite
clear that in the Dacca Asylum, from the faulty and unsuitable construction of
the wards, the insanes are too much crowded and huddled together, and are in
the winter not sufficiently protected from the cold night air.

The entertainment of nautches twice a month is afforded to the lunatics,
Dr. Wise thinks, with benefit.

The new ward, giving accommodation for 40 lunatics, was completed in
November of 1867. Further improvements, in accommodation and enlargement
of the grounds of the Asylum, have been sanctioned by the Government of
Bengal, Public Works Department, letter No. 677 of the 5th February, 1868,
to the extent of Rupees 40,588, for the erection of a new female ward, for
additions and alterations to existing buildings, and for clearing land of houses.

I consider it highly inexpedient, and necessarily interfering with the
proper performance of his duty by the Native Doctor, that he should be allow-
ed to carry on private practice outside the walls of the Asylum. In my letter,
No. 646 of the 10th February, 1868, to the Bengal Government, I have
recommended that, in accordance with the new scale of staff pay to be allowed
to Native Doctors, all officers of that class attached to Lunatic Asylums should
receive the higher staff of Rs. 20, in addition to the pay of their grade
and rank.

MOYDAPORE.—There is nothing particular to observe upon. The general
tables will show the results. Out of the 17 remaining, 6 have been discharged
cured, 1 died of fever, 10 remained. There have been no fresh admissions.
Out of 8 known or alleged causes of insanity, 7 are set down to ganjah. The
cost per man has been reduced from Rupees 66-7-5 to Rupees 55-4 for the
past year.

The closing of this Asylum will give rise to demands for space upon the
other Asylums of Patna, Dacca, and Calcutta, which these institutions cannot
at present afford. They are all overcrowded at this present time.

PATNA.—The daily average strength has been 130 this year, against 121 for
the previous year; the total treated 193, against 182. The mortality 16,
against 32 last year. "The recoveries and transferred to friends improved" 24,
against 34 of the previous year. The re-admitted 2 against 1. Deaths have
occurred—10 from dysentery and diarrhœa, against 10 of the previous year;
from cholera 1 against 18. Amongst the supposed and alleged causes of
insanity, 89 out of 137 are set down to narcotic and deleterious drugs, and
spirit drinking and intemperance; 40 to lesion and overstrain of the affections
and passions ; 6 to epilepsy; 2 to fevers.