20                          LUNATIC ASYLUMS IN BENGAL.

Dr. Saunders writes approvingly of a proposal to bring the asylum into cantonments
and locate it in the European hospital.

The conduct of the native overseer is favorably reported on, and the proposal to increase
his salary by yearly additions of Rs. 5, supported by the Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals.
This would encourage him to continued attention to his duties.

Bhowanipore.—The report of this asylum is very satisfactory, and indicates the same
humane and efficient management which has formed the subject of comment in former years.
The admissions have been fewer; the cause of this is partly explained in the report. There
is still a difficulty about accommodating insane soldiers at Bombay prior to their embark-
ation ; and until this difficulty has been overcome, Bhowanipore will probably continue to
admit insane soldiers from all parts of the Presidency. The Government of India in the
Military Department has, however, prescribed the Bombay rate as the usual one for soldiers
becoming insane up-country, and the question of temporary accommodation at Bombay is
under consideration.

The receipts have been less than in former years, but paying patients have been fewer,
and the cost of maintenance has been only Rs. 21-0-0 against Rs. 23-5-4 in 1869. Mr. and
Mrs. DeVere, the overseer and matron, continue to perform their duties with approval, and
the question of appointing an assistant to the matron, which is supported by the Deputy
Inspector-General of Hospitals, has been specially submitted for the orders of Government.

                                                                          I have the honor to be
                                                                              Your most obedient servant,

                                                                                     J. CAMPBELL BROWN,
                                                                                          Inspector-General of Hospitals,
                                                                                                         Indian Medical Department.