102                                                   REPORT ON THE


The lunatics are treated with kindness, and are at the same time firmly and judi-
ciously managed.

Of the 8 keepers, one is a supernumerary, sanctioned only for the present year;
but as the average number of lunatics is now over 50, and 2 of the keepers are females, it
will, I consider, be necessary that the extra warder should be kept on, as 5 keepers would
be insufficient to look after 40 male lunatics, they having to perform both day and
night duty.

The warders are all paid at the same rate of Rs. 6 each per mensem; but I am strongly
of opinion that the pay of 2, at least, should be raised—one to 8 and one to Rs. 7. It
would be a reward for the best men, and stimulate the others to increased exertion in a service
where the duties are both arduous and responsible. Some such incentive to good work is
greatly needed.

            1st March 1873.